Sustainability & Responsibility

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We are focusing on the UN’s #7 Sustainability Development Goal: Affordable and Clean Energy and we invite you to pledge your house to the cause.

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We support PMI’s 2022 Hours for Impact initiative where we have committed to assisting local organizations in executing their projects

Our team also volunteers to help organize events in their technical and personal circles, most recently the PMI’s 2022 Revelations Symposium.

We are always looking for additional causes to support, from river and lake cleanups to teaching and volunteer opportunities to many others.

Feel free to reach out at any time.

GHG Emissions

Norland HP – Reinforced Concrete Structure

Project Description

Timber Run Hydropower Corporation mandated Equinox Construction Services (ECS) to carry out the design, contracting, sourcing, execution and QA/QC, along with the Project Management tasks, of the reinforced concrete structures of the Norland Hydropower Plant. After completing the Dewatering and Excavation phases, ECS was responsible, through a turnkey delivery model, for delivering the structures that were designed by a 3rd party, under ECS supervision.

Also known as an ECI (Early Contractor Involvement) model, ECS was deeply involved in optimizing the designs, preparing realistic budgets and timelines, updating the relevant stakeholders, and prioritizing the Client's objectives.

Furthermore, ECS managed the approval process with the Parcs Canada Agency (PCA) as well as the Quality Control of the 270 cubic-metre volume as well as the integration of the various trades, suppliers and inputs involved in the Electrical, Hydrotechnical, Turbine, Telecommunications and Strucutre divisions.


Timber Run Hydropower Corporation


In the village of Norland, On., on the Gull River.


Design and sourcing: 2014 – 2015 Execution: 2015 – 2017


Bryan Moloughney Ing., M.Ing., PMP.


935 000 $


184 000 $

Services Provided

  • Concept preparation and validation
  • ECI for optimizations
  • Sourcing and budgeting
  • Managed the logistics, timing and delivery of the various
  • Responsible for the Execution of the work as well as the
    QA/QC requirements
  • Owner of the Project Budget and Schedule
  • Owner of the Change Management process and
  • Management of all involved Stakeholders


  • Various suppliers and trades needed to be coordinated
  • Numerous interfaces between work phases to be
  • Integration of the Stakeholder requirements