Sustainability & Responsibility

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We are focusing on the UN’s #7 Sustainability Development Goal: Affordable and Clean Energy and we invite you to pledge your house to the cause.

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We support PMI’s 2022 Hours for Impact initiative where we have committed to assisting local organizations in executing their projects

Our team also volunteers to help organize events in their technical and personal circles, most recently the PMI’s 2022 Revelations Symposium.

We are always looking for additional causes to support, from river and lake cleanups to teaching and volunteer opportunities to many others.

Feel free to reach out at any time.

GHG Emissions

Specialized Services


We are a full-service EPCM firm specializing in the dam, small-hydro and renewable energy industries


Our Integrated Service Offering


Flood mapping and hydrology surveys, mitigation measures and erosion protection


Water control gate supply and installation


Structural and geotechnical analyses


Repairs to structural components, reinforced concrete structures, embankments and fall restraint


Design, supply and installation of safety & debris booms, as well as Public Safety Signage

Electromechanical and hydromechanical equipment upkeep and replacement


Micro-grid and Off-grid solutions involving design, supply and installation


Aerial-based Hydrology Survey, Data Collection Studies using LiDAR and Underwater Inspections


Environmental Surveys, Environmental Management Plans and Timing Windows



Design and execution of concrete rehabilitation and safety upgrade work


Design, optimization and positioning of temporary works with respect to river surface velocity distribution


Indigenous Participation Plans


Types of renewable energy evaluated includes hydroelectric, hydrokinetic, photovoltaïque and mix use cases


Power Consumption Profile and Forecast Report, Review of power generation options and energy transition solutions




Micro-grid and Off-grid solutions involving design, supply and installation

We offer comprehensive micro-grid and off-grid solutions, encompassing design, supply, and installation or micro-hydro, hydrokinetic and solar power schemes.

Our team of experts and partners customizes each project to meet specific energy needs, ensuring efficient and sustainable power generation. We conduct thorough site analysis and energy modeling to create optimized system designs. High-quality components are sourced from reputable manufacturers to ensure reliability and performance. Our skilled installation team manages the entire setup process, from site preparation to system commissioning. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure long-term operational efficiency and reliability.



Aerial-based Hydrology Survey, Data Collection Studies using LiDAR and Underwater Inspections

We offer aerial and underwater surveys in order to kick off Pre-Construction, Feasibility Study or Site Investigation studies.

We conduct Statutory Inspections required by Quebec laws as well as Asset Reliability studies focusing on reinforced concrete structures, infrastructure (dams, bridges, viaducs) and Environmental studies.

We can conduct Surface Water Velocity Studies that help with evaluating sediment transportation, erosion protection or fish spawning habitat reviews, as well as Bathymetric Surveys to help design temporary cofferdams.



Environmental Surveys, Environmental Management Plans and Timing Windows

Our trusted partners have extensive experience with various Evironmental Surveys, EMPs and Timing Windows, as well as Waste Management Plans, and trust us to Integrate these into our service offerings.

Equinox is a full-stack project coordinator and brings on the biologist and environmental scientists when specialized assessments are required, then carries this information into an Early Contractor Involvement process.

With the Constructor present during the site assessement and review phase, this ensures that the design iterations are reduced and creates a more efficient project for the Developer.



Design and execution of concrete rehabilitation and safety upgrade work

Our partner Engineers (OIQ, PEO) carry out concrete rehabilitation design, drawings and models, while Equinox executes the construction work through our various RBQ licenses, Bond Facility and comprehensive insurance policies.

We take on projects and the General Contractor or Prime and execute the Rehabilitation, Safety Around Dams, and Equipment Upgrade projects through a Turn-Key contract model.



Design, optimization and positioning of temporary works with respect to river surface velocity distribution

Building on our Aeriel and Underwater Survey capacity, we carry out an Early Contractor Involvement process in order to begin the design of the temporary work during the Site Assessment and Pre-Construction phases.

We develop Surface Water Velocity Studies, along with Bathymetric Studies, that then help our Engineers (OIQ, PEO) to design backfill, bag or structural cofferdams.

We then execute the Temporary Works ourselves through our specialized partners, leading to a seamless transition between all phases.



Design, supply and installation of safety & debris booms, as well as Public Safety Signage

One of the components of our Safety Around Dams sector is the design, supply and installation of Debris Booms, Safety Booms and Safety Buoys. We coordinate with our preferred and industry-leading suppliers that work on dams accross the world, and install the in-water anchors, shore anchors, buoys and booms, no matter the site constraints.

Working with barges, pontoon boats or flexible work platforms, we can help with a wide range of dam environments, flow conditions and depth constraints.

In order to design and execute the work effectively, our Bathymetric Survey service is crucial and allows informed decision and work methods.



Electromechanical and hydromechanical equipment upkeep and replacement

Project involving Turbine Replacement, Embedded Parts, Water Control Gates and Stoplogs, Lifting Structures and Equipment, as well as all types of equipement repairs, maintenance and upkeep, all require a range of stakeholders to carry them out.

As a specialized Project Integrator, Equinox assembles the designers, suppliers and technicians in order to effectively reach the projects' objective.

When these projects require Civil Work, Dewatering Work, Environmental Reviews or any other discipline, Equinox brings on the specialized suppliers under our Turn-Key approach, thereby lessening the load on the Client and ensuring an effective execution of the work.



Repairs to structural components, reinforced concrete structures, embankments and fall restraint

The majority of our infrastructure require constant small-scale repairs, upkeep and maintenance tasks. On top of that, Safety Measures and Fall Restraint systems are crucial to the safe operation and use of our assets.

Through various contract models (Turn-Key, Lump sum, Cost Plus), we carry out these small-scale repair projects including design, supply and installation.

We can rely on our various teams, suppliers and partners to carry out every aspect of your project.



Structural and geotechnical analyses

Structual and Geotechnical Analyses, required for Dam Safety Reviews and Detailed Design reports, are critical and required specialized consulting firms.

These firms then require on-site support, inspections, specialized data and often Early Contractor Involvement in order to qualify their assumptions and designs.

Through our Integrated approach, we assemble our partner Consulting Firms and provide the properly validated reviews, analyses and reports.



Water control gate supply and installation

Investments in Water Control Measures, Water Regulation Equipment and various automation equipment will be required in order to deal with new hydrological conditions based on Climate Change, as well as personnel shortage.

Automated Water Regulation Equipment ensures a safer operation of the water control structure (dam) and requires specialized installation.

Through our Integrated Turn-Key Approach, we bring on the designer, supplier and fabricator, then install the equipment ourselves, all while taking care of the dewatering, demolition, and commissionning work ourselves.



Flood mapping and hydrology surveys, mitigation measures and erosion protection, Climate Change Resilience Studies

Our changing hydrological landscape requires new surveys, data collection and reviews. These conditions impact our provincial and national dam infrastructure but also our bridges, embankments and waterways.

Erosion protection, shoreline restauration and erosion protection work are only some of the efforts that will require more attention over the coming years, involve Data Collection Teams through to Contractor Early Involvement.



Power Consumption Profile and Forecast Report, Review of Power Generation Options and Sustainable Development Plans

As part of our Energy Transition efforts we help clients develop Sustainable Development Plans that identify different sources of cost savings, energy efficiency measures, renewable power generation and a list of other recommendations, backed by suppliers' AI-powered audit models.

While new power sources add Energy Resilience, they should be prioritized only once power savings measures have been put in place and optimized.



Types of renewable energy evaluated includes hydroelectric, hydrokinetic, photovoltaïque and mix use cases

Whether its Feasibility Studies, Early Contractor Involvement, Site Assessment or Construction and Commissionning, we cover various types of renewable energy such as Hydroelectric (micro, small and medium scale installations), Hydrokinetic and Wave Power, Photovoltaïque (solar) and a range of mix-use scenarios.

We are involved in various calls for power in Ontario and Quebec, and help developers starting in the submission phase and going right through to long-term operation.



Indigenous Participation Plans

A critical component of any Renewable Energy Project (REP) is the preparation of an Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) that involves the local First Nations.

Ensuring that traditional land owners are consulted, involved and made a part of any new development is incredibly important and requires specialized services offered by few firms.

When we are working on this type of mandate we bring on First-Nation Owned consulting compagnies that can carry out these consultations while we integrate their concerns and suggestions to the overall Project Plan.


Our Focus on Asset Inspections and Upkeep

Equinox Construction Services strategically positionedto help dam owners meet the requirements of theirlocal regulatory agencies, as well as support theseowners during the rehabilitation work and the long-termupkeep of their asset.


Dam Safety Reviews

Statutory Inspections

Reliability Studies

Inspection Calendar

List of Corrective Measures and Follow-Up

Aerial and Underwater Inspections & Assessment Reports

CEITC and CTITC Claim Management


Execution of small, medium and large concrete repairs

Safety Around Dams

OMS Manuals

Erosion Protection

Hydrology and Hydraulic Studies

Safety and Debris Booms

Construction Management and Supervision


Greenfield and Brownfield Site Assessments

Feasibility Studies

Technical Review for Potential Buyers

Coordination of Indigenous Participation Plans

Scheduling, Cost Estimates and Concept Review

Replacing Gates, Hoists and Logs

Permitting and Stakeholder Management 


Dam Safety Review


ƒStatutory Inspectio


Inspection Calendar and Follow-Up Register


Review of the Reliability of the WaterControl Components


Complementary  Studies


Permitting Requests


Class “C” & “D” cost estimates




Execution of the repair work


Contractor Supervision


Final Plans and As-Builts


Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manuals & support


Ensuring sustainable and efficient solutions through adherence to key laws and industry standards.


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Ensures that environmental factors are considered in the decision-making process for federal projects.


Clean Air Act (CAA)

Regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources to ensure air quality standards.


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Regulations

Oversees the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.


Energy Efficiency Measures

Implement technologies and practices that enhance energy efficiency and reduce waste.


Sustainable Sourcing

Use eco-friendly materials and renewable energy sources to minimize environmental footprint.


Regular Maintenance and Monitoring

Ensure ongoing performance and safety through routine checks and real-time monitoring.


Ready to Get Started? Let's Schedule a Meeting and Discuss Your Ideas!