Sustainability & Responsibility

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We are focusing on the UN’s #7 Sustainability Development Goal: Affordable and Clean Energy and we invite you to pledge your house to the cause.

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We support PMI’s 2022 Hours for Impact initiative where we have committed to assisting local organizations in executing their projects

Our team also volunteers to help organize events in their technical and personal circles, most recently the PMI’s 2022 Revelations Symposium.

We are always looking for additional causes to support, from river and lake cleanups to teaching and volunteer opportunities to many others.

Feel free to reach out at any time.

GHG Emissions

Solar Energy

Isolated, closed-loop or commercial farms are a crucial element for our energy transition

Turn-key solutions for your photovoltaic projects

Equinox works closely with a national distributor of over 1500 specialized products in order to develop accurate Feasiblity Studies, to develop and control bankable schedules, and to contract reliable construction and installer teams that understand their products, markets and clients.

Our team of Coordinators and Professionals can handle every step of your project from planning and design, installation and commissioning to operation and maintenance.

Remote & Commercial Feasibility Studies

When an owner or developer has identified a site as a potential photovoltaic (PV) solar project, one of the first steps is to coordinate a Feasibility Study that will identify all aspects that could impact the project.

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PV Project  Planning &

Once your Feasibility Study has been prepared and your Business Case/ROI finalized, next it's time to begin contracting, planning and executing your project.

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