Durabilité et responsabilité

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Nous nous concentrons sur l'Objectif de développement durable #7 des Nations Unies : Énergie propre et abordable et nous vous invitons à engager votre maison pour la cause.

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Nous soutenons l'initiative des Heures d'impact 2022 de PMI, dans le cadre de laquelle nous nous sommes engagés à aider les organisations locales à exécuter leurs projets

Notre équipe fait également du bénévolat pour aider à organiser des événements dans leurs cercles techniques et personnels, plus récemment le Symposium des révélations 2022 du PMI.

Émissions de GES

Étude de faisabilité de Saint Antonin HP


Winston Hydro Inc., mandated Equinox Construction Services (ECS) to develop a Feasibility Study that would satisfy Hydro-Québec’s requirements. TAs owner of the Saint-Antonin dam, Winston Hydro wanted to refurbish the station and put it back into service with new turbines and generators, new automated water diversion equipment and various other rehabilitation measures.

ECS assessed and reviewed all the factors required to developed the station’s generation capacity through an Energy Model, the Financial Model, the Scheduling and Permitting requirements as well as the proposed Cost of the sold power.

ECS was successful in attracting Hydro-Québec’s attention and assisted the owner with negotiating a Power

Purchase Agreement, specific clauses and an in-service date based on Hydro-Québec’s in-house studies.    


Winston Hydro Inc.


Saint-Antonin, Québec.


January 2024 to March 2024





16 000$

Services fournis

  • Hydrology review
  • Energy modeling with in-house as well as RETScreen models
  • Assessment of generation capacity
  • Tender process with turbine suppliers
  • Financial analysis
  • OPEX and CAPEX cost review
  • Scheduling and permitting requirements
  • Preparation of a Feasibility Study destined for Hydro-Québec
  • Negotiation for Power Purchase Agreement


  • Developing a report according to Hydro-Québec’s requirements
  • Building a project that is financially and technically viable

Jumeau numérique