Durabilité et responsabilité

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Nous nous concentrons sur l'Objectif de développement durable #7 des Nations Unies : Énergie propre et abordable et nous vous invitons à engager votre maison pour la cause.

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Nous soutenons l'initiative des Heures d'impact 2022 de PMI, dans le cadre de laquelle nous nous sommes engagés à aider les organisations locales à exécuter leurs projets

Notre équipe fait également du bénévolat pour aider à organiser des événements dans leurs cercles techniques et personnels, plus récemment le Symposium des révélations 2022 du PMI.

Émissions de GES

MRNF - Lignes de vie sur10 barrages autour de Sudbury


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry mandated Equinox Construction Services (ECS) to fabricate and install a lifeline on the new monorail

system, on 10 different dams in the Northeast District.

The work included measuring the spacing between the posts, sourcing the lifeline components that respected the typical details, designing a clamped

connection for the removable steps and all the traveling and site work required to deliver the project to the Client’s specifications.

With these lifelines and removeable steps, the stoplog lifting and lowering operations will now be more secure and move accessible.

In fact, an important quantity of MNRF dams are receiving new monorail systems along with new lifelines in order to reduce the risks involved with the

operation of their infrastructure.


Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry


10 different dams around Subdury, in the Northeast District


Fall 2023



90 000 $



Services fournis

  • Project & Construction Management tasks
  • Design of clamped connections
  • Delivery logistics and traveling to 10 remote sites
  • Responsible for the Execution of the work as well as the QA/QC requirements
  • Owner of the Project Budget and Schedule
  • Owner of the Change Management process and Communications


  • 2024 223050 - PDS ENG - MNRF 10 Dams Sudbury - Lifelines
  • Completing the work on dams with little access for lifting equipment
  • Remote work area needed extensive planning and preparation

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