Durabilité et responsabilité

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Nous nous concentrons sur l'Objectif de développement durable #7 des Nations Unies : Énergie propre et abordable et nous vous invitons à engager votre maison pour la cause.

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Nous soutenons l'initiative des Heures d'impact 2022 de PMI, dans le cadre de laquelle nous nous sommes engagés à aider les organisations locales à exécuter leurs projets

Notre équipe fait également du bénévolat pour aider à organiser des événements dans leurs cercles techniques et personnels, plus récemment le Symposium des révélations 2022 du PMI.

Émissions de GES

Limoges - Remplacement du barrage du lac L'Heureux - Gestion de projet et de construction


Terrassement Limoges et Fils mandated Equinox Construction Services (ECS) to manage the replacement of the Lac L'Heureux Dam. The work included in the project was the design and construction of a cofferdam, the complete removal of the existing work, the construction of a reinforced concrete structure with three sluiceways and hydromechanical gates, as well as post tensioned anchors, a walkway and civil work on the embankment.

The dam was also equipped with a new safety boom and public safety panels.

ECS completed the procurement review, acted as the Project Manager and supervised the work carried out by Limoges. ECS was responsible for the project schedule, quality control processes as well as helping with logisitcs, technical questions and update meetings.

ECS was also responsible for the coordination for the various communications and requirements involving the different stakeholders involved in the project.


Saint-Colomban via Limoges et fils


Saint-Colomban, QC


September 2023 to April 2024



1 400 000$


85 000$

Services fournis

  • Project and Construction Management
  • Fulltime site supervision
  • Management of logistics, changes et needs of various stakeholders
  • Coordinating the work with the contractor
  • Responsible for quality control and qualit assurance
  • Responsible for aligning all stakeholders
  • Responsible for organizing the schedule and timelines


  • Work was near a watercourse which needed additionnal protection during the project
  • Constant communication with local residents
  • Short timeline before the winter months

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