Durabilité et responsabilité

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Nous nous concentrons sur l'Objectif de développement durable #7 des Nations Unies : Énergie propre et abordable et nous vous invitons à engager votre maison pour la cause.

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Nous soutenons l'initiative des Heures d'impact 2022 de PMI, dans le cadre de laquelle nous nous sommes engagés à aider les organisations locales à exécuter leurs projets

Notre équipe fait également du bénévolat pour aider à organiser des événements dans leurs cercles techniques et personnels, plus récemment le Symposium des révélations 2022 du PMI.

Émissions de GES

Rapport technique et économique d'Arthurville


A Private Corporation mandated Equinox Construction Services (ECS) to develop a Technical-Economic Report regarding the potential purchase of the Arthurville Hydropower Station. The potential owner was interested in confirming the generation capacity of the existing turbines as well as probable OPEX and CAPEX investments that would be required in the short term. A site investigation was therefore carried out as well as a 3D scan, in order to assess the costs that the potential Buyer would need to allow for.

ECS assessed and reviewed all the factors required to developed the station’s generation capacity through an Energy Model, the Financial Model, the Scheduling and Permitting requirements as well as the proposed cost of the sold power.

ECS provided the technical report and counseled the client on the best course of action moving forward.


Private Corporation


Saint-Raphaël, QC


December 2023 to January 2024





12 000$

Services fournis

  • Hydrology review
  • Energy modeling with in-house as well as RETScreen models
  • Assessment of generation capacity
  • Financial analysis
  • Site inspection and 3D scan
  • OPEX and CAPEX cost review
  • CAPEX investment schedule
  • Scheduling and permitting requirements
  • Preparation of a Technical Report for the potential buyer
  • Review of Client’s next steps


  • Estimating the existing turbines’ efficiency and production
  • Fitting the report with the Client’s requirements

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